Monday, July 19, 2010

Summary of Viral Marketing video 'Dove Evolution'

The large campaign “Dove campaign for real beauty”, it is viral video consisted of an insider's look on the beauty industry, revealing to the audiences the internal wokings of using beauty for advertising.

It also generated more for a longer duration, word of month buzz for the products. Add to the emotional and personal appeal of the videos and we begin to see how viral work wonders.

The video was a popular and critical success. It won a number of awards in advertising industry, including two cannes Lions Grand Prix awards and Epice D'or. Many print publications and television programmes discussed it and the exposure generated by the spot has been estimated to be worth over USD$150M. Therefore, it is a successful viral video.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Viral Marketing Techniques

Viral Marketing Techniques

Viral marketing involves relying on techniques that will help spread marketing message through a ‘viral process’ and reach a web-wide audience within a short amount of time. Spreading the viral message can be done in different ways.

- Email: The most common type, when people forward messages such as inspirational messages, jokes, funny clips and pictures that advertises a certain product or service.

- Instant Messaging: People who receive links from friends through instant messaging servers, like Skype or MSN, are more likely to check it out because of the idea of urgency of the sender.

- Web sites: Most of the articles now published online have a link that says 'Send to a friend.' This is one way to make the article reach a good number of people by just posting it in one site.

- Word of mouth: The traditional way of passing on a message to another person; and most of the time, the most reliable method too.

Source: , Internet Business Online

Viral Marketing - International case "Batman - The Dark Knight"

Warner Bros' clever viral marketing campaign held in 2008 for the Batman flick is definitely worthy to be included in our Viral Markting examples.

The campaign started out with a simple teaser page featuring the image of a lone bat almost a year before the movie hit the theaters. When fans clicked on the site, they were redirected to a page that featured a District Attorney Election promotional poster for a known character from the Batman Universe named Harvey Dent. Clicking on the page sent fans to another page with another promotional poster of a mocking Harvey Dent. The image is defaced and the users were asked to enter their e-mail address so they could be given a code that would reveal a few pixels of the hidden image.

Word about the campaign immediately got around and with hours, the page became a hit on various networking sites and generated blogs and newspapers coverage.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Types of Viral Marketing

There are different ways to apply viral marketing strategy.

- Pass-along. This is the most common type of viral marketing. Web sites that ask their users to tell-a-friend about their products and services is an example of pass-along messaging. However, there is a risk of the message being labeled as 'spam' by email providers. Thus, it is important that the 'from' and 'subject" lines do not contain any word that may be tagged as spam.

- Incentivised viral. This is a marketing technique used by companies in which users are offered rewards when they refer somebody to the company. This becomes more effective when the referred person needs to take action for the reward to be given.

- Undercover. The most difficult viral to spot, undercover marketing sends a viral message that is disguised as just an unusual page or piece of news without obvious link citations.

- Buzz marketing. This type is most common in the entertainment world. A good example is the spread of different controversies, like getting married or divorced, involving the stars of a movie that is yet to be released. This is like a word-of-mouth advertising for the movie.

source: Internet Business Online,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Viral Marketing Case Study - Evian : Roller Babies

Viral Marketing : Roller Babies (Part III)

The success of Roller Babies shows the important of viral marketing on the web. Consequently Evian launched different videos about Roller Babies. For example Roller Babies Make of & Roller Babies interviews that constantly spreading marketing message in order to continue the popularity of Roller Babies and the brand awareness.

Moreover, roller babies have been aware on the web so Evian integrate it into traditional marketing campaigns. In June, 2010 Evian announces a new sponsorship deal with Russian tennis glamour girl Maria Sharapova dressed in a white t-shirt with Roller Baby body printing. The sponsorship announcement and video have been launched on the web and spread quickly. Although it is not successful as Roller Babies, it illustrates that Evian is taking more marketing campaigns in viral marketing approach via Internet in order to increase brand awareness and value.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Viral Marketing Case: Sina Micro-Blog - Part II

The most outstanding advantage of viral marketing is low cost. Before the launched date of Sina Micro-Blog, Sina had invited 800 hundred people (including some artistes) to use the Micro-Blog. Through the word-of-month from these trial users, the registered blog users dramatically increased. Since Micro-Blog is an online public platform that users can post his/her messages, buzz spreads much more rapidly.

There is, however, one significance drawback of viral marketing. Once the message spreads, it cannot be controlled, especially some negative buzz. Many users feel dissatisfied with Sina as their messages are deleted and their accounts are removed when it thinks the contents include some sensitive political words. The voice of discontent widely spread via online and offline channels and that could not be stopped by Sina. There is no doubt that negative voice will affect people's desire to sign up to become a user.

Reference:, news

Source: alvinchan

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cons of Viral Marketing video 'Dove Evolution'

Since the viral marketing video is depended on the transfer of it from person to person, during this process, it may reach someone you would rather not be associated with. It can not send the message to the target audiences. If the company handle it badly, this type of the video can guide to significant spam issues, it is likely to be deleted or ignored instead of being passed on to the other people. Therefore, it is more controversial and risky as comparative to traditional marketing. If done improperty, it can create the negative buzz.

Most of the viral marketing video is funny and interesting, it would be attracted people to watch it. It only brings the traffic to the website or YouTube, but not the sales.
